"One" is a work in progress. 38,000 squares have been completed thus far. The entire span of the painting is 50 squares in height, and it extends and grows from left to right. When completed, the piece will measure 20,000 squares wide.
I usually paint 6,000 squares at a time, on a canvas of glued-together squares. After the layers of paint dry, I separate the squares into a grid, similar to the way the piece is viewed on this site.
My goals include bringing together a community of people who share in this art piece, as well as making my large paintings accessible to a broad community. By keeping track of each piece by number, I create a mosaic of people who have collected "One." When the website is complete (expected November 2009), collectors will have the opportunity to log in and write a bit about themselves and the pieces they bought, and to upload pictures of themselves or their collections. Furthermore, due to the nature of the way the piece is sold, nearly anybody can be a collector of fine art.
The painting never has and never will be presented in one place. When you purchase a square, you are receiving the original work of art. The painting disperses even as it is being painted.

Each one-inch square piece costs a mere twenty bucks, or you may purchase small groups of this extensive painting. The final painting may never be seen all in one place other than once in the gallery. I wonder if that includes an image of what all of the squares look like together and you can point out which piece you would own. I dig the concept and can't wait to see all of the pieces together!

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